tisdag 24 april 2012

Satanistkyrkans syn på satanism 288

Next mail from Satanistkyrkan. Comments on your “The eleven satanic rules of the earth”:

1. Don’t be secretive – Satan want to grow as a celebrity, as well as change the world into a Holocaust whom he needs soldiers for, many. Sinners and stupid and selfish ones ought not to join, but stripped from all belongings in emptiness most stupid people are healed. But he want satanism to grow largerned religion, not “a few outstanding individuals”, he want all society to be pessimist dark – and satanistic, darken all earth = expand satanism, don’t hide. The dot also says that one must ask for help to be helped – typical American; the sick are to tired/unknowing to ask, and need Jesus help above their heads, we teach in Europe (Politburo-dictatorship). 

2. Don’t trust “friends”, they always let you down if they aren’t satanists. Satan and his devils wont let you down unless you deserve it. If tortured like a sinner, its most commonly for you being lazy when brothers starve.

3. Try to have no friends, in loneliness only, Satan meets you. Cause all friends have let you down but Satan who don’t back of from painful situations and stand by your side in torture, won’t hide from seeing blood and tears. He is your only true friend. Humans are never trustworthy – they are born evil. Don’t trust humans. Boycott of Babylon (US and American satanism) is required and US-satanism created individualism, Europe might question that as instead revenge on individuals for the whole groups benefit.

4. SK don’t focus on revenge but on Jesus forgiveness, we are passive, not active, and avoid the hatred-and-punishment-part of Satans character. Boycott ex-friends and enemies with silence. We are too tortured and tired to revenge, but pray to Jesus that we will forgive them one day. Don’t be evil, be a martyr, lamb, victim of evil and cry to Satan about it, he gives comfort by making you think for yourself, to see how clever you are or aren’t. He’s always by your side, but he most likely create then dry tears, but he never leaves your side; he likes to watch you be in pain, whom he finds natural and beautiful.

5. Boycott sex-society of US, be like in all religions: virgin-monks. Monks and nuns in SK may not have a lover such as is christianity. SK call members monks, meaning more rules then a common member: its all or nothing, but we keep the rules easy so all can do it, you just need to loose your possessions, money, and avoid feelings of joy while others starve in shelters. Boycott-rules are easy for most people.

6. All seems to say: don’t hurt others when enjoys, that sounds Ok but that you may get lost in the feeling of happiness while forgetting politics, is not OK, more communism of brotherhood is required, maby socialdemocracy in US. Satanism is for the poor people, Satan belongs to ghettos, prisons, shelters and hospitals. He’s with the police, the nurse, the dying, he’s in the gutter of modern western society – highly involved in politics/society. To be political is therefore by Satan welcomed.

7. Magical powers shows mostly as schizophrenia, he talks in your head, shows pictures, control your thoughts. He only meet the elite, and never gives up upon one he has made a slave. He usually recruit satanists from having a crisis of poverty or sickness or problems, then their mind suits. If the slave refuses the pact, he is tortured. The slave is the elite, bonded to Satans eternal pact of give and take. One may become a satanist after experience of pain only.

8. Always work for your brothers to heal pain on earth and the west. To yourself feel depression makes you remember that others so do = keep it. The depressed shall rise in anger against the happy people – be sure that when Judgment day comes you aren’t in a happy place.

9. Ignore and boycott all stupids and immature, such as the sinning teenagers, let the sinners sin, Satan says, and don’t try to change what must come, as well as let the martyrs and saints have their way. Satan wants to get the sinnings out of the sinners, their potential, while us others can not.

10. In SK we try to be vegans/vegetarians not to hurt animals. That is also a part of our ascetism; the less food you eat, the better. Try to live on water, basicly, fast, try to eat as little food as possible for remembering the poor and don’t waste money, live on drinks and juices, as well as keeping your looks pale and plain, not trying to look good.

11. Sounds good. But we are Jesus-believers, who don’t revenge, the church of mine wont talk of the revenge-part of Satan cause that’s for others to take that load, but talk of turning the other cheek, on staying good as a saint to all, high upon your own goodness, kindness. We try to become monks, nuns, saints, as kind as possible.

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